Words are powerful. Words are spells. My spiritual journey continues but so far what has been revealed to me has been breathtaking. What goes around comes around. My mind and heart ate at ease because I am protected. I am blessed. I have so much love to give and to receive.
I never thought growing up I would be the lucky one to change my destiny. I finally feel like I am in the right path. Someone that can inspire, help people in many ways, be a good listener. I may be wrong but you don't have to take my words serious. It's more about my actions at the end. There is one Kim but many other beautiful humans with a gift. Continue to flourish. Gratitude to all my supporters friends and family who have been tuning into my K.I.M blog post and YouTube. It's a reflection of myself, my "health journey" or should I change it to my personal growth something like that... I'm not perfect with my words or describing what I am trying to say at times. *brainfart
January started of great with a lot of motivation and energy, but then a misfortune happened. Death really makes you question yourself if you are living to your fullest potential. Are you checking up on your loved ones and spending time with them. Are you living ????? Living your life or worrying, stressing, still holding onto something of the non important. *raisining my hand I was stressing. Stressing of where I am in life. What I wish I could have done differently. The what ifs and what nots. I'm young, I am only 21 going onto 22. I really hope that this gets implanted to my mind and I take my own advice. Currently, we are writing this on my Day 26 one more hour till Day 27 because I still have to end my video. 4 more days until I can treat myself to my favorite restaurant or a chicken gyro with a new disciplined mind in relation to fast food. I'm trying to channel my inner creativeness and BUILD BUILD BUILD like I have never before. Stay consistent and determined even when I'm not motivated. It sounds so easy to say but we all get stuck but the comeback is always greater. Thank you for reading.